Wednesday, April 22, 2009

2009-04-22: violent lady bug meets gentle hyena

Please watch the video to see the violence from a lady law maker that KMT condemned with such ferocity:
What violence? Someone got hurt? Broke a rib? The video shows 民進黨立委邱議瑩輕甩國民黨立委李慶華.

How is this violence compared to KMT's ?
  • KMT owns the judicial system and uses it to harass, arrest, incarcerate innocents and protect its own
  • KMT signs secret treaties with China with zero input from people and zero input from opposition DPP
  • KMT stripped Taiwanese human rights with the longest standing Martial Law in history. Even today, KMT continues to deny Taiwanese the birthright of referendum.
On one hand, KMT/CCP coalition uses their nearly monopolized media to attack 輕甩, which KMT instigated, with extreme intensity.

On the other hand, it promotes arresting and jailing innocent people, trial by media, rule without people's consent, and signing secret treaties as non-violent!


立院暴力 老母何辜

聯合新聞網 - ‎9分鐘之前‎
昨天又見立法院的委員大人鬧笑話,李慶華被邱議瑩甩了一巴掌。暴力永遠是錯的;那怕披上美麗的藉口,暴力還是暴力。中華民國的國會殿堂上,什麼時候才能停止這樣的鬧劇一再發生? 李慶華對邱議瑩說:「有家教一點好不好」,言下之意當然是指對方沒有家教,說這一句話到底 ...


聯合新聞網 - ‎5分鐘之前‎
馬總統昨晚在總統府與CSIS舉行越洋視訊會議,主題是「美台關係新紀元:台灣關係法(TRA)三十年之展望」,馬總統除發表英文演說並接受提問,華府現場的會議主持人、前美國副國務卿阿米塔吉更以「中華民國總統」稱呼馬英九。 對於美中台三角互動,馬總統以「兩岸 ...
中央廣播電台 - 新城電台 - 新浪網 - 自由時報

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